Wednesday, August 25, 2010

All Ears

All Ears

(for Dulcie, and her tail of devotion, always wagging for me)

You use my legs as a runway

to join me in the moonlit hammock,

happy despite the complaints I make

as my tender shins are prodded

by the nails I left untrimmed again.

The hickory tree hides us from most

of the stars and the neighbors, so I tell

you my secrets and your long silken

ears are wee elevators of emotion,

flaring and sliding up when they hear

“go”, “ride”, “cookie”, “ love” and “read”;

flattening and going back when you catch

“bath”, “vet”, “cat” and “bedtime”.

You lie on my stomach, queen of all

you see and hear and smell and touch

with those fluffy house slipper feet,

and I watch you, knowing full well

that one day those ears will hear

a final “go” and you'll trade your leash

for wings, and I will be inconsolable.

You already wear a halo,

and have since you first tucked

your golden head into that juncture

between my love and wisdom

that the Beloved finds so enchanting.

I'll treasure every day of grace

I get to share with you, my angel.

2010 © Lorraine D. Achey